
Understating types of refractive error and how it leads to the development of lazy eye

What are refractive errors?

Refractive errors are among the most prevalent vision problems. When the shape or size of the eye prevents light from focusing directly on the back of the eye (retina), a condition known as refractive error develops, which can cause hazy vision, among other symptoms. The risk is higher if refractive defects run in the family. 

Any of the following factors, or a combination of them, may cause a refractive error:

  • an alteration to the eye’s shape or size
  • a surface of the eye that is inherently more or less slanted
  • a lens that is thicker or narrower than usual
  • If the eye is too long or short

A general eye exam can detect many kinds of refractive errors of eye. Some of the most commonly used methods are measuring your distance vision with a visual acuity test, a refraction test to determine the proper eyewear prescription, or a slit-lamp examination to evaluate the eye’s structures.

Uncorrected refractive errors are caused by a variety of reasons such as  lack of awareness of the issue, the inability to identify it at the individual and family levels, the lack of accessibility to pediatric eye care services and/or their high cost, and the cultural barriers to compliance.

Amblyopia and/or strabismus can be caused by untreated refractive defects. An increase in anisometropia and a hypermetropic refractive error enhance the likelihood of amblyopia developing. Unfortunately, there is no specific refractive error threshold below which the development of amblyopia is impossible and above which amblyopia is guaranteed to occur.

Understating types of refractive errors of eye

Refractive error occurs when the eye fails to bend and focus light onto the retina correctly. As a result, your eyes may have to work harder to focus because your vision may become blurred, fuzzy, or foggy. Another common symptom is a headache brought on by tired eyes or trouble reading. Some of the most common refractive errors are:


  • Myopia, or nearsightedness, causes distant things to appear hazy.
  • Astigmatism: Nearby and distant things may appear distorted or hazy.
  • Hyperopia: Nearby things appear hazy due to farsightedness. 
  • Presbyopia: Adults in their middle years and older struggle to see details up close.

The development & symptoms of refractive Amblyopia

Most children may have properly aligned eyes, but one may have significant nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, while the other has none of these symptoms. As a result, the brain starts to rely more on the healthier eye while disregarding the problems with the eye with the greater refractive defect. This causes Amblyopi and a lack of use in that eye.

Refractive amblyopia rarely appears with symptoms. Before the doctor examines their eyes, some kids might not even know they have it. However, the signs and symptoms will mostly be the same as those of other forms of Amblyopi. As follows:

  • Trouble in-depth perception when viewing items in three dimensions. It is impossible to determine an object’s distance precisely.
  • One specific angled position for your head to be in so you can see well is a head tilt.
  • Eyes squint or blink
  • Convergence insufficiency: the inability of your eyes to work together to focus on an item.
  • Visual problems in the afflicted eye

Adults versus children: Refractive Amblyopia

Young children are typically associated with refractive Amblyopia. Adults have also been documented to have some cases, though. Due to a failure to correct it while they were young, adults get the problem.

Refractive amblyopia in adults, however, results in a permanent loss of vision. Additionally, when receiving therapy for refractive Amblyopia, adults react differently from kids. Therefore, the best treatment for adults with lazy eyes is vision therapy.

Consult an expert for Refractive Amblyopia and other refractive errors

If you are looking for a holistic solution for refractive errors, book a consultation with Bynocs today. With award-winning treatment for lazy eyes, Bynocs has helped several people treat and manage refractive errors. With top-notch technology and a team of professionals, Bynocs is a uniquely designed comprehensive new-generation cloud-based software for the management of Amblyopia.