
Vision Therapy Software

Overvinde amblyopi eller det dovne øje

Amblyopia, commonly known as ‘Lazy eye’, is a vision-related disorder that affects young children. And you can get this condition treated using our Amblyopia therapy software!

Amblyopia treatment surgery in India can be a costly affair and can also be painful, especially for children. Our software requires you to wear our blue-red sunglasses and play our patented games!

Let's Understand Amblyopia

In some children, only one of the two eyes focuses properly. This is a vision problem called lazy eyes (the medical term for this is Amblyopia). It is caused when the two eyes send different images to the brain. For example, it may happen if one of the eyes is more nearsighted, farsighted, or has more astigmatism (refractive error) than the other, or if the child has a squint. The brain then primarily processes the information coming from the better eye, ignoring the other. If unnoticed or untreated, it can continue to affect in later years. It is estimated that about 4% of children and between 1-5% of the adult population is affected by this visual impairment.

Forståelse af kikkertsyn

Vision develops in the first few years of life as the brain starts interpreting visual signals coming from the eyes. What we ‘see’ results from signals sent from the eyes to the brain. Usually, the brain receives signals from both (bi) eyes (ocular) simultaneously. However, due to the placement of the eyes, the visual information collected by each eye differs slightly. If all is well, the brain can use these differences, coordinate eye movements and judge distances so that a wholesome meaningful 3D visual is created, and that is what we ‘see.’

What Causes Amblyopia/Lazy Eye? Does Amblyopia Lazy Eye treatment surgery exist?

Øjnene, synsbanerne og hjernecentrene udvikler sig konstant og modnes i de første par år af livet. Nogle gange, når et af øjnene ikke fungerer korrekt, har hjernen en tendens til at stole på de visuelle impulser, der kommer fra det stærkere øje. Hvis det ikke behandles, fortsætter det stærkere øje med at udvikle sig yderligere, og synet fra det svagere øje kan forværres. Denne visuelle ubalance er kendt som amblyopi. Visse abnormiteter i øjnene i de voksende år og/eller senere liv kan forårsage, at et øje udvikler et dårligt syn og resultere i amblyopi, såsom:
Brydningsfejl i et øje betyder blot, at øjet ikke kan fokusere korrekt. Tre typer brydningsfejl er nærsynethed, langsynethed eller astigmatisme. Når de ikke korrigeres, kan brydningsfejl belaste øjenmusklerne, som skal arbejde hårdere for at opnå et fokuseret syn. I nogle tilfælde har begge øjne forskellige størrelser af brydningsfejl, medicinsk kendt som 'Anisometropia'. Det ene af øjnene kan have et betydeligt dårligere syn end det andet. Når dette sker, har hjernen en tendens til at stole mere på skarpe visuelle impulser fra det normale øje og ignorere de visuelle impulser fra det svagere øje.

Vores øjne har et sæt muskler, der hjælper med øjenbevægelser. En svaghed i enhver øjenmuskel vil føre til abnormiteter i bevægelsen, såsom at vende indad eller udad eller have ukoordinerede bevægelser. Denne tilstand kaldes "Squint" eller " Strabismus ". Hjernen har en tendens til at ignorere de uklare visuelle billeder, der kommer fra det berørte øje, som ikke er på linje. Dette øje bliver så til et "dovent øje.

Cataract means a cloudy lens. The cloudy lens prevents the rays of light from reaching the retina and is responsible for poor vision. A child may be born with a Cataract ( Congenital Cataract) or may develop in infancy ( developmental cataract). The only treatment for cataracts is early surgical removal. A long-standing cataract interferes with the development of visual function in the brain leading to Amblyopia or Lazy eye.

What Are The Symptoms of Amblyopia/Lazy Eye?

Amblyopia starts in childhood and may continue to persist in adulthood as well.

Symptomer hos børn

When a child develops a lazy eye, parents may observe that their child faces difficulty focusing on objects, or they squint or shut one of the eyes to view the objects or surroundings clearly. Often, the child’s eyes may appear to turn inward, outward, or they may not work together in coordination.

Older children may also complain of poor perception of depth and an inability to view things clearly from a distance, such as writing on the classroom board.

When children develop such symptoms, It is important to consult a pediatric ophthalmologist as soon as possible to enable early treatment.


Symptomer hos voksne

If a child with lazy eyes does not receive early treatment, the condition may worsen and persist in adulthood. Sometimes, a child may be undiagnosed for visual disturbances at an early age and may receive a diagnosis as they grow older, when visual disturbances intensify.
De almindelige klager over voksne med dovne øjne er:

  • Sløret eller dobbeltsyn
  • Ukoordinerede øjenbevægelser
  • Dårlig dybdeopfattelse
  • At skele eller lukke det ene øje for at se bedre


Childhood Amblyopia

● The child may be seen squinting or shutting one eye.
● Parents may be able to see uncoordinated eye movements in their child.
● The child may complain of inability to view the classroom board clearly.

Adult Amblyopia

● Blurred or double vision
● Poor depth perception
● Increased complaints of eye strain.

Amblyopia Therapy Software - How is Amblyopia/Lazy Eye Treated?

If left untreated, a lazy eye may worsen and lead to permanent visual impairment. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to help improve vision in the lazy eye and thereby optimize binocular vision.
The traditional treatment approaches to treat the lazy eye include:
When a lazy eye develops due to near-sightedness or far-sightedness or an unequal refractive error in both eyes, corrective eyeglasses can help improve the vision and prevent further deterioration.


In severe cases such as cataracts, immediate surgery is essential to prevent loss of vision. Surgery may also be performed for strabismus (muscle weakness of the eyes) or to improve the refractive error. Lazy eye surgery for adults can be a risky affair.

Patching or Overpowering the Normal Eye


Patching is the most commonly advised treatment for lazy eyes in children. In this, a small eye patch is applied to the normal eye in an attempt to obscure its vision for a few hours daily. This way, the brain is trained to recognize the visual impulses coming from the weaker eye.

Øjendråber dryppes ind i det normale øje og forårsager en midlertidig sløring af synet i det normale øje. Dette får hjernen til at vende sig mod visuelle impulser, der kommer fra det svagere eller dovne øje. Effekten svarer til patching.

However, the success of these approaches depends on how regularly the child is in applying the patches/eye drops. Most children do not like this kind of patching and tend to resist it. Very often, parents do not apply the patch to avoid social stigma. Compliance with patching is very low

Patching eller straf kan også føre til synsproblemer i det normale øje. Patching har aldersbegrænsninger og hjælper ikke med at korrigere det voksne dovne øje.

  • Mindre succesrater og højere forekomst af resterende synsunderskud.
  • Langvarig doven øjenbehandling over mange år er afgørende for optimale resultater.
  • Monokulær dovenøjebehandling – behandler kun det ene øje.
  • Chancer for synsforstyrrelser i det stærkere øje.
  • Mulighed for tilbagefald, når plastret er afbrudt.
  • Ubehag for øjnene og barnet på grund af øjendråbemontering eller lapning.
  • Patching kan forårsage social angst hos ældre børn.
  • Manglende overholdelse af patching på grund af gruppepres.
  • Time is of the essence, patching is not helpful unless started at an early age (<9years).
  • Ikke nyttig til behandling af Lazy Eye hos voksne.
While it is true that for treating the Lazy eye, time is of the essence, and most treatments are directed towards children, there are newer treatment technologies available that can be used to improve eyesight in adults and the elderly population as well.

“It is a myth that lazy eyes can be treated only in early childhood. Adults too can overcome their lazy eyes with recent advances in technology that helps achieve perfect vision.”

Dichoptic Eye Treatments

Treatment for eyes using dichoptic technology is an emerging and highly effective approach for correcting Lazy eyes and improving vision. Dichoptic eye treatments work by offering simultaneous and separate visual stimuli to both eyes. In simpler terms, depending on the impairment, both eyes are presented with different stimuli simultaneously, which helps enhance the contrast difference perceived by both eyes. This can help achieve a balance between the normal eye and the lazy eye.

Dichoptisk teknologi kan hjælpe med at forbedre synet hos børn såvel som voksne.

Bynocs AmblyGo-terapi til amblyopi i barndom og voksne/dovent øje - The Ultimate Amblyopia Therapy Software

En ny tidsalder, revolutionerende teknologi er blevet udviklet til at overvinde amblyopi eller dovent øje hos både børn og voksne.

Hvordan virker Bynocs AmblyGo?

I alvorlige tilfælde som grå stær er øjeblikkelig operation afgørende for at forhindre tab af synet. Kirurgi kan også udføres for strabismus (muskelsvaghed i øjnene) eller for at forbedre brydningsfejlen.
  • Der tages en detaljeret anamnese, og der foretages en grundig øjenundersøgelse af optometristen.
  • Øjentilstanden evalueres ved hjælp af en computerstyret diagnostisk test på den patenterede Bynocs-software.
  • Individuelle behandlingsplaner udarbejdes efter samråd med øjenlægen.
  • Bynocs-teknologien hjælper hjernen med at værdsætte billederne fra det dovne øje ved hjælp af en gaming-grænseflade og specialiserede briller. Disse øvelser er rettet mod hjernens visuelle centre.
  • Den interaktive spilgrænseflade gør sessionerne sjove at deltage i for børn såvel som voksne.
  • Sessioner varer 30 minutter hver dag, og det anbefales at deltage i sessionerne fem dage om ugen.


Med Bynocs AmblyGo har patienter oplevet 80-90% forbedring i deres visuelle symptomer inden for blot seks uger!


Bynocs AmblyGo: Avanceret og alligevel nemt

Bynocs Ambly-Go is a simple and engaging eye treatment program that can be performed with minimal equipment. The initial evaluation is done at a Bynocs eye clinic. The treatment sessions can be undertaken either at the eye clinic or in the comfort of one’s home.
The only equipment needed to train on the patented Bynocs Ambly-Go is a computer with a stable internet connection and specialized Anaglyph glasses provided by Bynocs. After that, the treatment sessions are carried out under optometrist guidance, available on a video call.
Lazy eye eller det amblyopiske øje er behandleligt og reversibelt. Nyere behandlingsteknologier som dikoptisk øjenbehandling tilbyder fremragende synsforbedringer selv hos voksne.
Kontakt din øjenlæge og genvind kontrollen over dit syn.
Treat your Lazy Eye condition with the latest innovative Amblyopia therapy software out there.